When Acute Pain Turns To Chronic Pain

  Is there a way to prevent Acute Pain from becoming Chronic Pain? It seems so simple – you have an ongoing health condition and we focus on finding and using good pain management strategies.  If you have an ongoing health condition, the whole point of pain...

Prevent Acute Pain from Becoming Chronic Pain

Is there a way to prevent Acute Pain from becoming Chronic Pain? It seems so simple – you have an ongoing health condition and we focus on finding and using good pain management strategies. If you have an ongoing health condition, the whole point of pain management is...

Cloudy with a Chance of Pain

When the wind blows or it’s damp, is your chronic pain worse? I have said that for years and have always been told “it’s in my head”. I can strictly follow my anti-inflammation diet and as soon as the fog rolls in, my hands hurt. Recently, researchers tracked more...

Why is my Pain Worse at Night?

The Relationship Between Pain and Sleep It’s 2am and I am wide awake. I can’t get comfortable because my hip is killing me. My three ibuprofen have worn off and I really should get up and take more, but I just don’t want to move. Sometimes, if I lay very still, the...

Traveling with Chronic Pain

The 2019 holidays are right around the corner. Thanksgiving is THE most traveled holiday of the year. Today’s Seattle Times reported “this Thanksgiving 55.3 million people are expected to travel by car, plane and train across the United States…1.6 million than last...

What to Say to Chronic Pain Sufferers

I never know what to say. After working with cancer survivors for years, I moved over to the chronic pain world. To a world where one out of the five people I see every day are suffering from chronic pain…50 MILLION people in the United States have chronic pain,...

The Importance of Social Support and Self-Esteem

According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and migraines, affect more women than men globally, but women are less likely to receive treatment....

Sleep Hygiene for Chronic Pain Sufferers

I have repeatedly read there are more chronic pain suffers (people who have endured pain for more than 3 months) than cancer survivors in the United States. That’s hard to believe since most of us know someone who is a cancer survivor. There are 15.5 million cancer...

Alternative Therapies to Deal with Chronic Pain

Alternative therapies are just that – they may or may not work for everyone, but many people are looking for options beyond medication or surgery. Tumeric – this spice, often used in East Indian food is available also in a supplement form, has been touted as...